A Licensed Texas Counselor offers FREE blueprint video!

How Motivated Moms Can

Quit Drinking With A Simple

Blueprint Video

(WITHOUT stress, shame, or feeling deprived!)


Step 1: Watch The Blueprint Video


Step 2:

Are you curious to learn more about how you can thrive alcohol free?


Sign up for a risk free consult with a licensed counselor today!


Schedule Your Free Consult!


Lets be honest 


Change can be difficult...

But staying stuck is also difficult. 

The truth is that alcohol is taking a lot from you right now... 

It's taking precious time away from your family.

It's taking up space in your brain.  

It's zapping your energy and your health. 

The tough reality is that alcohol isn't magically going to disappear and stop causing problems in your life…

The good news is... 

YOU have the power to take back control of your life!

…And you dont have to do it alone! 

You can get so much more out of the blueprint video by combing these (and other) strategies

with the expert knowledge that an experienced expert counselor provides.   

You have made it this far because your motivated to quit drinking…

and you've come too far to turn back now. 

Sign up for the risk- free virtual consult to discuss your individual needs. 

And just imagine the type of joy filled life that's waiting for you…


Schedule Your Free Consult!


"I tried so many times to get sober on my own and would beat myself up when I couldn't do it. It was hard for me to reach out initially but I am so glad that I did. I now feel like I finally understand why I used alcohol to escape. I have so many healthy coping skills I can use instead of drinking.”

- TK 

“I thought drinking during the day was totally normal. I mean ‘mommy juice’ and ‘wine o’clock’ are such common phrases- they even put them on shirts! After I quit drinking I realized how terrible it made me feel. I now have more energy and excitement for life than I ever did when I was drinking.”

- MJ

Schedule Your Free Consult!

Counseling Vs. Coaching


In your efforts to change your relationship to alcohol, you might have come across different online coaching programs.

Here's what you need to know so you can make a well informed decision about what type of support would best help you to reach your goals. 


Counseling is a regulated profession by the state of Texas which puts forth the follow requirements for all counselors: 


✔️ A bachelor's degree


✔️ A masters degree (in a behavioral health related field)


✔️ 3,000 supervised hours working in the field 


✔️ 100 hours of clinical supervision 


✔️ Pass 2 state licensing exams 


✔️ Complete a background check 


✔️ Complete a jurisprudence exam (covering ethics in Texas) 


✔️ Complete 30 hours of continuing education every 2 years 


All of this allows counselors to be qualified in diagnosing and treating mental health struggles.


Coaching is an unregulated industry which means that there are no formal requirements for coaches.


Anyone can call themselves a coach and there is no governing body to ensure "coaches" provide quality care or maintain professional ethics.


There are some coaching certification programs but they vary wildly in the training requirements and curriculum. 


Many coaches actually recommend that you work with a counselor. 

So why pay for a separate coach and counselor? 


Path to Victory Counseling is your one-stop shop to empower you to take back control of your life from alcohol and embrace the joyful life you have been seeking. 

Why does this matter?


Overdrinking is complicated and it is a symptom of a deeper problem (such as feeling overwhelmed, past trauma, struggles regulating emotions, mental health, etc.).


Counselors are trained to help you reach your individual goals by: 


✔️ Peeling back the layers to understand the root cause of overdrinking 


✔️ Process past hurts in a healthy way


✔️ Understand your thought process and how to reframe negative thoughts


✔️ Help you to eliminate self doubt, shame, and guilt 


✔️ Support you in developing new habits that work with your busy lifestyle 


✔️ Share science based education in a way that is easy to understand and applicable to your daily life


Coaches absolutely have their place- but with so much on the line...  


Do you want to risk spending time and money on a program that might not offer the results you need?



When you choose Path to Victory Counseling, you can trust that you will receive the highest quality care.

Schedule Your Free Consult!

Sign up for your consult if you are ready to...

✔️ Show up courageously in order to break the bond that alcohol has over you once and for all 

✔️ Learn about yourself and your brain so you can create new habits that support the life you want to live

✔️ Understand the root cause of your overdrinking so you never have to feel enslaved to alcohol again

✔️ Dedicate less than 2 hours a week to find peace, serenity, and connect with the ideal version of yourself

Schedule Your Free Consult!
Important Disclaimer: 
Please note that testimonials on the website in no way reflect your results and are only used to show the potential in the Counseling With A Twist Program. We cannot guarantee any outcomes and there are no magic cures. Your results may vary drastically based on a multiplicity of factors such as (but not limited to): your willingness to engage in the therapeutic process, sit with being uncomfortable, communicate, and use all of skills at your disposal to quit drinking. If you are not willing to put in the honest work and effort then this program is not right for you. If it is determined that you are not a good fit for this program you may be referred to a different level of care to accommodate your individual needs.
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Path To Victory Counseling PLLC